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Compelling Evidence of Self-Employment Improving Autonomy and Career Satisfaction

May 09, 2024

Surveys show more family physicians practicing direct primary care — and enjoying it

Posted on April 26, 2024 by FPM Editors

A pair of recent surveys show a surge in the number of family physicians practicing direct primary care (DPC) — and high levels of career satisfaction for those using the payment model.

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) polled a random sample of 20,000 active members for its 2023 Practice Profile survey. Of the 558 who completed the survey, 9% said they were operating a DPC practice, which was a significant jump from 2021 (5%) and 2022 (3%). An additional 2% of those who responded to the 2023 survey said they were in the process of transitioning to a DPC practice.

A separate AAFP survey targeted members who had shown interest in DPC. Of the 374 who responded, 177 were already practicing in a DPC model. Almost all of the respondents (94%) who were already in a DPC model reported satisfaction with their practice, while about half (57%) of those who weren’t in a DPC model reported satisfaction. Burnout was also far less frequently reported by those practicing DPC (12%) than those not practicing DPC (46%).

Among those who responded, the most common concerns about opening a DPC practice were capital/cash flow (54%) and patient/member recruitment (50%).

For more on how to start a DPC practice, see the FPM article “Transitioning to Direct Primary Care.”

AAFP resources:

Compelling Evidence

This report from the FPM article provides compelling evidence of the increasing popularity and success of the direct primary care (DPC) model among family physicians. This trend not only reinforces the power and benefits of self-employment but also highlights the potential advantages of forming micro-corporations within the healthcare sector. Let's delve deeper into how this report underscores the relevance of self-employment and micro-corporations for physicians, and how SimpliMD's products can facilitate this transition.

Autonomy & Career Satisfaction

Firstly, the surge in family physicians adopting the DPC model reflects a growing desire among healthcare professionals to have greater autonomy and control over their practices. By transitioning to DPC, physicians can establish their own practices, free from the constraints of third-party payers and insurance companies. This autonomy allows them to focus more on delivering high-quality, personalized care to their patients without being beholden to bureaucratic red tape or financial pressures imposed by traditional reimbursement models.

Moreover, the high levels of career satisfaction reported by physicians practicing in a DPC model underscore the intrinsic rewards of self-employment. These physicians have the freedom to set their own schedules, determine their own patient caseloads, and establish closer relationships with their patients, which can lead to greater professional fulfillment and reduced burnout. This highlights the potential for self-employment to enhance not only the quality of patient care but also the overall well-being and satisfaction of healthcare providers.

SimpliMD Resources

SimpliMD offers a range of products and resources specifically designed to empower you in your journey towards self-employment and micro-corporations. For instance, SimpliMD provides comprehensive business coaching and an educational course called “Doctor, You Are A Business” tailored to the unique needs of physicians seeking to transition to the DPC model.

Furthermore, SimpliMD's community platform fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing among physicians who are navigating the complexities of self-employment and micro-corporations at our private Facebook Group “Every Doctor Is A Business”. By connecting with like-minded peers and accessing expert guidance from industry professionals, physicians can gain valuable insights and support as they embark on this entrepreneurial journey. SimpliMD's commitment to informing, inspiring, and supporting physicians aligns perfectly with the goals of those looking to thrive in self-employment and micro-business competency within the healthcare marketplace.

In conclusion, the report on the increasing prevalence and success of DPC among family physicians highlights the transformative potential of self-employment and micro-corporations in healthcare. SimpliMD's suite of products and resources serves as a valuable toolkit for you to capitalize on this trend, providing the guidance and support needed to navigate the transition to self-employment and build thriving micro-corporations within the healthcare industry.