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Providing content that inspires and informs doctors on how to thrive as micro-corporations!

What Makes Our Community Special? Our Unique Approach To Physician Empowerment

Feb 28, 2024

Let’s Grow Our Community

This post is a thank you for contributing to the growth of our community over the past year. I am humbled to help lead this special group of physicians. I firmly believe that thriving physicians make the world a better place, and thus I am motivated to do whatever I can to help you live your best life, as you make the world a better place.

As I've mentioned previously in my post on the roadmap for our micro-business community, my big, audacious goal is to grow our community to 10,000 strong by the end of 2025.

I truly need your help to achieve this goal. Please invite your peers or physician friends to subscribe to our site and join our movement. That can happen with the simple decision to forward your email and invite them to read my post and sign up themselves. Additionally, don’t forget that you can earn money as an affiliate by sharing our SimpliMD products with others in your online sites, businesses, and spaces.

In the coming weeks, you will hear more about my efforts to encourage our subscribers to become members—there are numerous benefits to this upgrade that you won't want to miss out on!

What sets the SimpliMD community apart from others? We are not just a group of individuals; we are a community of physicians and their spouses or significant others who believe in embracing more from life. Our unique approach focuses on the modern marketplace challenges faced by doctors as high-income earners, offering a supportive environment to navigate the complexities of our demanding profession. We focus on self-employment through a micro-business as your best pathway for finding professional and personal freedom. In turn, SimpliMD provides you with the small business support and education that will grow your micro-business competency and help you to flourish.

If you have been on the fence about starting your micro-corporation, I invite you to reach out to me for an inexpensive business consultation to discuss your situation. I love talking to doctors from all over the country each week—helping them evaluate how micro-incorporation can help them.


Your empowerment stems from recognizing the agency you have gained through your training. This entitles you to enter the marketplace as both a micro-business and an individual. This dual citizenship grants you the authority to dictate the terms of your engagement with the marketplace. You are not bound to traditional employment contracts, as those are typically the only options offered by large corporate employers. Instead, you can assert yourself by identifying as a micro-business and requesting the contracts that are tucked away in their hidden drawer designated for business-to-business agreements.

Creating a Sense of Belonging

As physicians, many of us have experienced the isolation that often accompanies years of education, residency, and fellowship. SimpliMD understands that this journey can be arduous, with financial burdens, demanding work hours, and sacrifices of family time. Our community offers a sense of belonging, reassuring you that you are not alone. Together, we believe that you can become an outstanding physician and achieve true financial and professional freedom, especially through the space of self-employment via your own micro-corporation.

Our community welcomes physicians from all corners of the labor market. What ties us together is our common pursuit of micro-business competency, which helps each of us thrive in our careers. This mutual pursuit gives us a sense of belonging, as we share experiences and knowledge that are mutually beneficial.

Building Trust and Openness

Discovering a community that shares your aspirations fosters trust and openness. SimpliMD creates an atmosphere akin to a close-knit tribe, reminiscent of the camaraderie experienced during the early years of medical training. Combined with a focus on abundance and a growth mindset, the synergy within our community becomes exponential. We are not a community that is satisfied with the broken status quo of the medical system, nor are we content to wait for the system to be fixed. Instead we believe the solution involves supporting one another in the individual preservation of our professional autonomy that is best found in self-employment. This common pursuit creates a sense of trust and openness with physician peers who are on the same journey.

Mindset Growth and Skill Development:

In our community, we acknowledge the power of mindset. While some may question the emphasis on mindset in our products and course materials, our members quickly realize its value and significance. We are dedicated to helping you acquire the skills and mindsets that empower you to thrive through any challenges in your micro-business competency journey. By asking questions like "How can I?" and challenging limiting beliefs, we encourage each other to pivot towards solutions, fostering both individual and collective growth. Given your drive to be quick and meticulous learners, I am creating a series of courses that will help support the development of your micro-business skills and small micro-business mindsets.

Financial and Time Freedom

As I reach a point of financial freedom, my goal is to leave my primary job before I turn 60, but I wouldn't exactly call it retirement. Instead, I am embracing the benefits of financial and time freedom – you could say it's a form of Fast FIRE. My experience underscores an important truth about micro-corporations: you can achieve financial and time freedom more quickly by starting the most important business of your career right from the start. By incorporating yourself, you can accelerate the growth of your net worth and maintain your professional autonomy from the outset.

I often hear the suggestion these days that physicians should start a business to generate passive income and benefit from tax strategies. While real estate is a popular focus,

I believe that incorporating yourself should not be overlooked as a crucial first step for doctors looking to diversify their income sources. Your micro-corporation is your most powerful income-generating source, which will ultimately fuel your side income sources like real estate.

Many physicians overlook this power due to a lack of business knowledge and training, incorrectly assuming it won't matter if they choose to be employees. However, with the growth of job stacking for physicians, the increase in professional side gigs, and the expanding physician labor shortage, 1099 income sources are prevalent. Therefore, you can work a W-2 primary job and still benefit from a micro-corporation. Don't miss out on this opportunity!

Real Estate Business

However, let me say to our members that beyond your own professional micro-corporation, I also strongly believe in the importance and value of real estate in your business and income portfolio. 5 of my micro-businesses in my enterprise are real estate related.

This is why I support my like-minded colleagues Leti and Kenji with the Semi-Retired MD. Their evergreen course, Accelerating Wealth: Short-Term Rental Blueprint, is an excellent starting point. If you have been considering investing in a vacation home and short-term rental property to generate income, you should check out their course that walks you through the steps for doing this effectively.

I am certainly glad that I have my own STR asset in South Haven, Michigan. If you are looking for a great retreat location or family spot to enjoy on the shores of Lake Michigan this summer, check out my place. I know you’ll love it there!