Employment Lite Is Best
Looking for alternatives to traditional employment but not ready to go out on your own and not wanting to disrupt your family?Â
Are you feeling the burden of your annual tax bill as a high income W-2 employee?
Or perhaps you tired of feeling trapped by employers who micro-manage your professional life and burden you with increasing administrative tasks?
Learn how changing to an employment lite contract can help you regain your professional autonomy, retain more income, and cause the least amount of personal and professional disruption in your life.
Find Out About Employment LiteFEATURED IN:

You Can Take Back Control Over Your Professional Life
Learn about the employment lite job structure that is based on a business to business contract through your professional micro-corporation.
- Transition to a self-employment model that still allows you to work within the safe harbor of a large employer.
- Create a professional micro-corporation that allows you to retain 10-15% of your income through your small business structure.
- Preserve your hard-earned professional autonomy through your own professional micro-corporation.
- Protect yourself from the boundaries of non-compete restrictions by engaging in professional services agreement as independent contractor through your micro-corporation.
- Diversify your professional income channels by job stacking your primary job and side hustles as an independent contractor.
- Create the lifestyle that you prefer through location-independent work.
- Personalize your fringe benefit plan in a way that maximizes the benefits to you and your household
- Grow your retirement savings faster through tax-advantaged opportunities for small business owners.
- Retire early without giving up the comforts you’ve worked hard for.
- Live the financially free life you’ve always dreamed of.
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
Our micro-business community will help you learn how to finally take control of your professional future by forming your own micro-corporation, instead of passively depending on your employer.
Start Your Personalized Micro-Corporation With SimpliMD HereThe Modern Way To Be Employed
“Employment Lite” is a hybrid employment model that mirrors most of the components of employment without full integration. Employment is the fullest form of alignment among hospitals and physicians, while employment lite signifies a high level of physician-hospital alignment that falls just short of full employment.
It is formalized by a professional services agreement that is specific to this arrangement. Under a PSA, a physician (or medical group) remains independent (i.e., not employed by the hospital) and provides professional services in the hospital or at a hospital clinic. Locums Tenens has been one of the more common PSA arrangements that healthcare employers use to tap into the professional services of doctors.
The PSA structure allows for many of the same benefits and elements of employment, while the physician remains an independent contractor rather than an employee. Corporate citizenship and organizational governance can be built into the PSA such that the doctor functions in nearly the same manner as his/her fully employed peers
Download A Free E-Book on Employment Lite Here
The Benefits of Employment Lite To Doctors
- Enhanced physician autonomy and control of your professional life via your small business professional structure.Â
- Greater retained household earnings through your small business structure, allowing you to retain 10-15% of your income without working anymore, or having your compensation increased.
- Individualized Benefits that are provided by your corporation and individualized to meet your family needs. No fluff, just what you need and want.
- A 2-3 fold Increased retirement funding through the SimpliMD small business model that is not restricted by ERISA laws like traditional employees.
- Pay fewer taxes through small business tax advantages.
- Change jobs seamlessly without moving, changing employers, or changing anything beyond your contractual structure. Your patients, peers, and community are unlikely to see any difference compared to your traditionally employed peers.
- Simplified setup and maintenance of all working components of your micro-small business through SimpliMD’s comprehensive services. Everything can be done under one roof through a team of professionals dedicated to serving you.
- Through SimpliMD, built-in compliance monitoring to ensure that you and your PC operate within all federal, state, and local regulations.
- A physician burnout intervention that provides a systemic solution.
- Due to greater professional autonomy via your own PC, you will have significantly less burnout in this structure compared to traditional employment.
- Opportunities to diversify income channels by using your professional services outside of your employer’s harbor
The Benefits of Employment Lite For Employers
- Enhanced physician recruitment and retention program separating you from your competitors.
- Your physicians in this program will keep 10-15% more of their income than through traditional employment, but your FMV compensation to them will remain the same.
- Thus apples to apples your doctors will have greater household income for the same workload compared to other employers
- It’s like paying your doctors more without actually having to pay them more.
- More satisfied physicians who are more likely to stay with you long term
- Your physicians in this program will keep 10-15% more of their income than through traditional employment, but your FMV compensation to them will remain the same.
- Physician burnout intervention that provides a systemic solution.
- Due to greater professional autonomy via their own micro-corporation, physicians have significantly less burnout in this structure compared to traditional employment.
- Reduction in physician labor expenses because compared to traditional physician employees, employment lite physicians cost employers less money due to their independent contractor status.
- You no longer pay for their benefit package
- You no longer pay for their professional-business fees.
- You no longer have to pay for your half of their payroll taxes
- The employer maintains complete alignment of the physician within your safe harbor including non-compete and other pertinent contractual language.
- Distinguished from other purchased services because it is cheaper. This is technically a type of “purchased services” within your accounting department, which are typically the target for corporate expense reduction interventions.
- Locums are the most common type of purchased services and typically cost the system MORE.
- But employment lite is a purchased service that costs you less than locums and even less than your employed physicians
The Foundation To Your Best Future Is Starting Your Professional Micro-Corporation
For as little as $5000 our legal network that focuses on physicians and high net worth clients can help you start your micro-corporation and place you back in control of your professional life. Then you can more efficiently job stack and pursue alternatives to full time traditional employment.